"Poppy, you have to help me."

What do you do when an arrogant, troublesome, omnipotent being suddenly becomes human, has the entire vampire community hunting him down and unleashes a nightmarish entity known only as Halloween Jack upon the Earth?

What do you do when this ex-Immortal shows up on your doorstep, pleading for help?

Well, you certainly don't take him in.

I did.

And that was my first mistake...

Praise for Black Moon

“Imagine, if you will, a story complete with witches, vampires, werewolves, fairies, immortal beings, dinosaurs, bounty hunters, and a talking cat. Throw in the threat of the end of the world as we know it, lots and lots of explosions, and just a little bit of sex, and what do you have? Why, you have “Black Moon”! This novel is so wonderfully written! I was captivated from page one all the way to the end. “
~Jarrod Shaun

“Horror with a pinch of humor, a touch of wickedness and a twist of magick."
~Mrs. Todd of Horrorlit.

"A lovely book fit for man, beast and everything in between. Add to that; sexual tension, romance, a well turned out Lucifer, and you have a novel that no Fantasy or Horror fan can do without."

“Black Moon left me breathless. It is exciting, sensual, humourous and entertainingly fast paced. A powerful, heady mix of fantasy, humour and horror. Magic, Vampies, Weres and Immortals character a tale that has something for everyone. Midnight the cat is pure fun and my personal favourite. BLACK MOON is a fascinating battle between evil and evil where good lurks in places you would never expect. Get ready for a long night because it's hard to put down. It is a great read and I recommend it.”
~Kerry Orchard, Author Of The Thoughtmaster's Conduit